What is SC?
What is SC?
SC is a completely private, secure way of communicating, collaborating, and real time chatting. It offers everything that traditional Social Media does but it's all 100% private. SC addresses all the concerns users have regarding privacy and security. Unlike Facebook and other social media companies, SC emphasizes privacy and so that social sharing can let people be their true,-and uncensored selves. No spying. No cookies. No data sharing. We will NEVER give advertisers any information about you . Everything we do is intended to enhance your experience, because our philosophy is that taking care of you and your needs as our member, is the best and right way to be successful.
What content can I share on SC?
On SC, you can safely share photos, videos, documents, voice messages, private mail, chats and more. You can communicate 1-to-1 and in groups with your friends, family, co-workers, and more.
What makes SC safe?
We have built "privacy by design" into every aspect of our network
You are the owner of your information and content.
We don't share your personal information with anyone.
You control your permissions, privacy, and who can access your content.
You control what others see in public searches.
You can make yourself invisible to other members
You can download all of your content anytime
We do not use facial recognition technology.
We do not use tracking cookies.
Who can see the posts I share?
You control who receives and views your posts. SC does not spy on your messages because we think the way those other companies do things is creepy.
What is a group?
A group is a place where you can communicate with specific people. For example, you can create separate groups for your family, friends, and co-workers. When you share a post with a group, that post is only visible to that one specific group and not any other groups.
Will my personal information be used for ads?
Whereas many Social Media platforms and search engines freely use and sell your personal data, SC does not. Our Privacy Bill Of Rights states clearly that your personal information and all your content belongs to you, not us.
Can I delete my SC account and is it easy to do this?
Of course! We make it easy to download all of your SC content anytime, and to delete your account. To delete, first delete any groups you own or transfer ownership to another user. Once you are no longer an owner of any groups, you can quickly delete your account with the following steps: